September 12, 2024. Feedback request published.
The Project calculator has been in use for 18 months, and is being used by many wheelbuilders.
Calculator feedback will close on December 12, 2024.
Extended wheel data is now available where the wheel has multiple spokes per side. Here's an example...
A 200 spoke eccentric wheel, built 5 cross.
Note, in this example, the calculator is in CAD mode. How to do this (and why) is all described in the book.
Any comments? Any changes?
Spoke count, cross pattern, spoke diameter, plus many of the other select lists, now perform an automatic recalculation when the data is changed.
The Help page has been reformatted to make it easier to read.
Updated the Rotated wheel type to include an entry for "Relative rotation". That now completes every rotation possible (5 in all).
I also updated all the help text for the Rotated wheel, so that it's a little less confusing, although this wheel type still something only the spoke length geeks whould appreciate.
A new wheel type : Mismatched hubs and rims.
Click the Type heading in the data entry form.
Currently I've added 36 hole hubs to 32 hole rims, other combinations will follow.
Still open for more feedback...
This calculator has a HUGE built in detailed help guide. Pleasae read it. Click Ξ in the calculator menu.